
Amazing Facts of Mahatma Gandhi

My life is my message
Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi is the role model of youth, all over the world. Let's discover some interesting and amazing facts about Gandhi Ji. 

Time Magazine named Mahatma Gandhi the Man of the Year in 1930. He was also runner up for Time's Person of the century.

Gandhi never celebrated our independence, and he was not present during Nehru's tryst of destiny speech. He was in Kolkata fasting for religious harmony.

Gandhi was responsible for Civil Rights movement in four continents and twelve countries.

Gandhi’s mother, Putlibai was Karamchand's fourth wife. The first three wives apparently died in childbirth.

Gandhi's title "Father of the Nation" was first used by Subhas Chandra Bose on 6th July, 1944 when the Indian National Army started its march to Delhi.

In May 1883, Mohandas was married to Kasturbai Makhanji. In 1883, he just was 13-year-old.

Gandhi served in the army during the Boer war - he has crusaded against violence since the time he realized the horrors of war.

The Indian company that hired Mhatma Gandhi in 1893 for a year-long contract to work in South Africa was Dada Abdulla & Co., an Indian firm.

Gandhi was arrested 14 times and spent a total of 6 years in prison.

While in England in 1931, Gandhi made his first radio broadcast for the US. The first thing the people of the US heard the Mahatma say was, “Do I have to speak into this thing?

Mhatma Gandhi never traveled by Planes.

Gandhi hated photographers. But the fact is, at that time, he was the one of the most photographed person during his times.

Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize five times and the committee regrets not giving him the Nobel Peace prize to this day.

The funeral procession of Gandhi was eight kilometers long.

Gandhi’s income during those days in South Africa touched five thousand dollars a year.

Gandhi had a set of false teeth, which he carried in a fold of his loin cloth. He put them in his mouth only when he wanted to eat. After his meal, he took them out, washed them and put them back in his loin cloth again.

If Gandhi had to complete all his jail terms, he would have spend 11 years in jail. His jail terms were reduced often and he spent 6 years 10 months in jail overall.

There was a regiment named after Gandhi in Indian National Army.

Gandhi was extremely punctual.

Steve Jobs Wore Round Glasses As A Tribute To Gandhi.

A stamp was released in Britain honoring Gandhi’s 100th birthday.  Even though hen had spent his lifetime pushing the country to grant India independence.

Once Gandhi went to Santiniketan and wished Rabindranath Tagore as, "Nameste Gurudev",  Immediately Rabindranath replied, "If I am Gurudev you are Mahatma,". Since then the prefix of ‘Mahatma’ was used before the name of Gandhi.

There has always been a great connect of Gandhi with Friday.

Gandhi, who was born on October 2, 1869 was a Friday. India got her independence on August 14, 1947 which also a Friday. And, eventually, it was Friday on January 30, 1948 when Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse.

Amazing Facts of Mahatma Gandhi Amazing Facts of Mahatma Gandhi Reviewed by Factkart on 11:17:00 Rating: 5

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